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Colin Birney: we're as conscious of being disrupted as our customers are 


Our National Sales Director, Colin Birney, wanted to be a ‘volcanologist’ when he grew up. He’s now helping businesses Australia-wide realise their digital visions by taking them on a journey with Squiz.

Colin, tell us about the type of opportunities you’ve been presented with while being with at Squiz.

When I started at Squiz [six years ago], it was a different organisation – we were very technology-focused around our CMS, Matrix. When I first spoke with Steve Barker [co-founder of Squiz], it was pretty obvious that I didn’t have a strong technical background, but Steve identified in me that I was strong in sales, and we could work on my technical skills to get them up to speed. So I think the initial opportunity for me to come to Squiz was quite a big one, and something I’m very appreciative of. During the time I’ve been at Squiz, I’ve progressed from a business development role to Regional Sales Manager to National Sales Director, so I’ve had good opportunities to progress in my sales career since being at Squiz.

What are some of the key factors that have helped you get to where you are today?

I think having really strong working relationships with people, and having good people around you as you’re developing.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I have a couple of very weird ones. I was really into volcanoes and I wanted to be a 'volcanologist', but I don’t think I realised how dangerous they actually were.  When I came to that realisation I decided I needed to do something else, and I actually did work experience at an actuary’s office. Sales was never on the radar until I started my working career. I  studied banking and finance, and my career was going to be in banking, but then I realised I hated that, so I got out of that pretty quick.

What sets Squiz apart from other organisations?

I think there’s a lot that sets Squiz apart. One of the key things is the Squiz DNA, which is a real and tangible thing that all of the people who come to Squiz have in common. There’s also a  willingness to go above & beyond for each other and for our customers, most importantly. There's a desire to do fantastic work for our customers and we have real sense of pride & motivation to do great work. All of those things combine to make Squiz unique. Coupled with that, we’ve got some great thinking behind the business and a real ability to evolve and change, which is very important. We’re as conscious of being disrupted as many of our customers are. This gives me confidence that Squiz will be around for a long time.

Describe your best sales meetings:

When I establish really close working relationships with key people- that’s something I get a real kick out of. Also being able to introduce Squiz to new customers, and taking them on a journey of discovery, from being clueless about Squiz to being engaged and then keen to work with us. This happens a lot and it’s a huge motivator for me.

Advice from your current self to your old self?

I would’ve suggested that I follow my heart and do what it is that I wanted to do, not what I think I should be doing. Finding things in life that you’re passionate about is so important. Don’t think of a career as a job, it should be something you really enjoy doing. I don’t think I ever perceived a job or a career as something to be enjoyed or be passionate about, until I came to Squiz. So I think it’s about thinking less with your head, and more with your heart.

Do you have a favourite book?

I have two. There’s the picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde & The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

What qualities do you think make for an excellent salesperson?

Empathy is the single most important quality for a good salesperson and by that I mean the ability to put yourself in your customer’s shoes & understand what their challenges & opportunities are, and then help them with those challenges & opportunities. So really putting yourself in their shoes & thinking and understanding what they’re going through. And listening, that’s the other one. Every meeting should be 80% listening & 20% talking.

What’s been your favourite day at Squiz?

My favourite days have been when we’ve been able to achieve the targets we’ve been set as a team, so that typically is an end-of-year scenario. Since I’ve been at Squiz, we’ve been successful in achieving most things. Where we can as a team achieve those things, they’re my favourite days.

How do you manage work/life balance?

Work/life balance is absolutely critical to a healthy state of mind. I do try and switch off when I’m outside of work, and focus on family and friends, and things I’m doing when I’m not at work. As much as we have access to email and chat and other systems, I try and have delineation between work life & home life because it’s important to be present when you’re at home with kids & family.

What are the most rewarding aspects of your role?

When we get great feedback from customers about helping their customers achieve what they do. Whether we help them better engage customers, or acquire customers or retain customers, I get a kick out of hearing great feedback from them. Knowing that we’ve done a great job, and delivered for them what we set out to do, and then succeeding what we set out to do, that’s rewarding.

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