With all the well-documented research, it’s no secret that taking some downtime from work yields wide-ranging benefits. But at this hectic time of year – both in and out of the workplace – it can be easy to forget. As a refresher, here are five reasons that a relaxing and restorative holiday this silly season will mean good things in the new year not only for you but also for your brand.
- You’ll be a better brand ambassador
It’s been a busy year; you’ve been up to your ears in branding, and frankly – and understandably – you’re a bit over all things Squiz. Fortunately, research links being well-rested and relaxed with improved moods, so when you come back to work from your well-earned holiday, you’ll be much more inclined – once again – to positively represent your brand and your organisation.
- You’ll be more productive
Brands do require lots of TLC, but you want to be efficient with the time you spend on them. Studies show that taking a break from work can enhance memory, build better intellectual understanding, help you find greater insight, improve your problem-solving skills, and restore your attention – all critical factors for fuelling your productivity and boosting job performance. (Conversely, not taking advantage of a holiday can increase mistakes and decrease performance on problem-solving tasks – and you and your brand definitely don’t want that.)
- You’ll be healthier
Like your brands, you need a lot of TLC – you’re not doing yourself or your brand any favours if you’re stressed out, rundown, or sick. Holidays provide significant health benefits – both mental and physical. They not only let you catch up on sleep and allow your body to recover from the ravages of the workplace, but also decrease depression and lessen job-related stress.
- You’ll be more creative
In today’s competitive marketplace, brands – and by association, you – need to be more creative than ever. And according to the Harvard Business Review, shaking up your everyday routine – by taking a holiday, for instance – can really get those creative juices flowing. While you have the freedom to do so, step away from the office, embrace new and different experiences, and find inspiration for innovative ideas. That way, you can return to work bringing a fresh perspective to your brand when the Christmas festivities are behind you.
- You’ll have time to reflect
Though we don’t advocate spending a lot of time thinking about work during your holiday, most employees’ minds will naturally drift to the workplace at some stage – after all, work is where we spend the bulk of our time. If you just can’t help yourself and are going to contemplate work, use that thinking time wisely. Reflect on your brand over the past year: What went well? What didn’t? In this way, you can learn from past mistakes and set some goals for the new year.
Enjoy your rest and relaxation! Happy holidays!
How will you decompress from work over the holidays?