If you're a mid- or senior-level marketer, odds are that you went to uni when Alta Vista was still the search engine of choice and before content marketing was even a 'thing'. With a new trend or platform emerging every week, it's becoming harder and harder for marketers to stay ahead of the curve and on top of technology.
Luckily, a growing slew of free or subscription-model services have popped up to fill the education gap. You can learn to code HTML and JavaScript, to write better copy, hone your design talent or develop better strategic thinking skills online and at your own pace. We've gathered up the best of the bunch for you here:
Codeacademy is one of the original online learning platforms - and one of the best. It's completely free and features easy interactive tutorials that will teach you languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, jQuery and Ruby. As a marketer, you probably don't need to know them all, but a bit of HTML and CSS is vital, while JavaScript certainly wouldn't go astray.
Skillshare is a very popular platform that uses a subscription pricing model that gives members access to every course in their catalogue. There's a diverse range of topics that includes UX, design, photography, business, social media, coding, video and writing. They even have courses taught by marketing guru, Seth Godin!
Most people have heard of Lynda - the company has been teaching people to use design software since 1995. Lynda has kept up with the swift pace of the digital world by offering their courses online via subscription, specialising in software such as Adobe Creative Suite as well as programming languages and video production.
General Assembly
General Assembly is the cool new kid in school. Founded in NYC as a community for startups, the company now has 14 'campuses' around the world where you can attend full time, part time or one-day classes. They also have a vast online video library of courses that is offered through a somewhat pricey subscription model, Front Row. However, you really do get what you pay for with the quality of their instructors and courses.
So what are you doing reading this? Go on, get learning now!