What changing accessibility standards in the US mean for organizations
The standards for web accessibility in the US are changing.Continue reading on the Squiz Blog
View ArticleLife@Squiz Q&A with Aleksandra Żołnowska, Office Manager
Szczecin-based Aleksandra ‘Ola’ Żołnowska tells us a bit about the family atmosphere at Squiz Poland, her role in organising the launch of the new office, and Squiz’s annual charity bike ride.Continue...
View ArticleHow to create a workplace of lifelong learners
If you run a business, you know that your ability to be agile and innovative isn’t about a fancy office fit-out or the latest software. It’s about cultivating teams of engaged, self-directed, lifelong...
View ArticleThe democratisation of AI
Not all that long ago, Artificial Intelligence was very much left to data scientists - the rockstars of AI and the only real experts in this field. Fast forward to 2017 and it’s a very different...
View ArticleLife@Squiz Q&A with Sarah Appleby, Learning Experience Manager
Melbourne-based Sarah Appleby chats with us about her newly appointed role as Learning Experience Manager, her experience at Squiz so far, and weekend bike rides with her three-year-old son.Continue...
View ArticleThe ‘so what’ rule of data science and student retention
As a child, I loved science. I loved it because science always had an answer; a maths test was never subjective. As I moved through the education system to degree level however, I realised just how...
View ArticleFunnelback named 'Visionary' in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Insight Engines 2017
Insights to drive immediate actionGartner Inc. has released its 2017 Magic Quadrant for Insight Engines, 30 March 2017, and we are delighted to see Funnelback positioned as a Visionary in this newly...
View ArticleThere's no such thing as a bad user
Attempting to open a push door through pulling must be one of the most frustrating human experiences of our time. We’ve all been there - happily going along our journey, only to be stopped in our...
View ArticleAI, data and the balancing act of student acquisition
A lot has changed in the Higher Education sector in recent years – government legislation, student expectations and tuition fees, to name just a few – but one thing hasn’t changed: the perpetual need...
View ArticleA Changing World: Student Retention in Focus
Student retention is attracting attention all over the globe due to the rising costs of tuition, commercialisation of the offering and increased competition in higher education. Satisfaction and...
View ArticleBlockchain: the technology of trust
Digital currencies like Bitcoin are only for crypto-anarchists, currency speculators and dark web drug dealers, right? So why should you care about the technology that powers these crytonocurrenices?...
View Article10 commandments of content creation
1. Thou shalt respect thy user's time Only 16% of people read websites word for word - they scan to quickly find what's relevant. Help them out by making your content short and snappy.Continue reading...
View ArticleLiberty, equality, accessibility
We're often told that every person learns in a different way - some of us learn by watching, some by listening, some by doing - that's because our brains all process and absorb information differently....
View ArticleMetadata for marketers
Metadata is a term that can be a little daunting for many marketers. It's the kind of thing some would rather put in the too-hard basket and pass off to the web agency or tech team down the hall. But...
View ArticleUX: which test is best?
The concept of user testing has been around for decades but for a long time there was only one way to do it. Thanks to advances in technology, we can now choose from a whole range of methods when it...
View ArticleSense and securability
We have a proud heritage as an open source software company, but we're even prouder of our pedigree as a truly supported and secure solution. For example, being open source doesn't mean that we leave...
View ArticleCMO and CIO, friend or foe?
There's a lot of talk in today's media about the so-called rivalry between the CMO and the CIO. Both roles are growing rapidly in both influence and scope, with new technologies and the increasing...
View Article5 reasons CIOs love Matrix
1. We've got you covered. Foresight. Resourcefulness. Presence of mind. We know what's required of a CIO today, so we also get that you need us to deliver technology that gives you nothing less than...
View ArticleCMS, WCM, UXP - HUH?
The internet loves acronyms: PHP, HTML, CSS - it's a neverending assault that's no doubt giving Google a fair amount of hits. When it comes to the web content management industry, it's not enough to...
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