Gleaning insights from structured and unstructured data
It’s no secret that data is key to garnering the kind of insights that can help you build customer relationships that last. But although most businesses understand the role of customer data within an...
View ArticleThe importance of site search in push and pull marketing
In this day and age, customers expect personalised experiences across every touch point and on every device. We’re impatient - that’s nothing new - but what is, is the number of ways in which marketers...
View ArticleTo localise is wise
The opportunity to connect with potential customers who live around the world is among the greatest promises of the online age. Despite this, tailoring your website content so that it addresses a local...
View ArticleMarketing automation and the importance of a squeaky clean database
When developing the customer intelligence that’s critical to making good business decisions, data plays a defining role. But although most businesses are well-versed in the power of data as well as the...
View ArticleAd blocking: The bane of marketing campaigns
Few obstacles have posed a threat to savvy marketers quite like Apple’s decision to enable software to block online ads. In September 2015, the tech giant launched iOS 9, a new operating system that...
View ArticleThe benefits of buyer personas
Too often, marketing departments develop buyer personas but don't introduce these critical characters to the rest of their organisation. Here's why everyone in your company needs to know these...
View ArticleProto-personas: buyer personas on a budget
We’ve already established that buyer personas are critical not just to your sales and marketing teams but to your organisation as a whole. However, developing these fictional folks can make for a...
View ArticleThe new physical UX
There’s no question: machines are getting better at understanding us. Through Big Data and very clever clouds, companies and their technology are working out not only what our intentions are, but also...
View ArticleBye bye intelligent assistants; hello virtual friends
I drive a Holden Commodore, and though it’s supposedly fully voice-controlled, I can’t talk to it. It wants me to talk to it in a way that it’s defined to understand. So if, for example, I want it to...
View ArticleCMS is dead; long live CXP
Ten years ago, mastering your content-management system (CMS) was central to getting ahead in the digital world. But these days, there’s a growing emphasis on delivering a seamless customer experience...
View ArticleWhere wearables wear thin
From smart watches that let you access emails and events on the fly, to wristbands that provide health insights, wearable devices have taken the market by storm. According to a Business Insider...
View Article5 things your CMS shouldn't do
We all know CMSs are fantastic. They are extremely powerful and liberating when you want to take maximum control of your website management and publishing.Continue reading on the Squiz Blog
View ArticleForrester Report: CX drives business transformation
CEOs should drive the digital vision and strategy in mature organisations, according to a Forrester Consulting study. The study also reveals a digital vision led by the goal of providing the best...
View Article4 of the best mobile apps for marketers
Mastering the art of modern-day marketing means juggling multiple tasks at once. From tracking the success of digital campaigns to tuning in to your customers’ conversations on social media, dealing...
View ArticleYour tech stack tutorial
What are the essential components of a technology stack, and what can they do for you – and your customers?Continue reading on the Squiz Blog
View ArticleNorthern Inland Credit Union embarks on digital transformation with Squiz
Northern Inland Credit Union (NICU), a mutually owned authorised deposit taking institution (ADI) delivering financial services to benefit Members, has selected Squiz to power its journey to providing...
View ArticleSquiz Q&A with Web Solutions Consultant, James Morgan
Since 1998, Squizzers have been striving to make the world a better place. This series aims to expose the raw talent, big ideas, creativity and vision, output by these remarkable individuals each and...
View ArticleHow to foster advocate marketing
Flashy social-media campaigns and viral content might work wonders for your brand awareness, but there are few marketing strategies as powerful as recommendations passed on by word of mouth. That’s why...
View Article3 ways your website is still failing to meet user expectations
In the digital era, your website is more than just an online channel – it’s a powerful indicator of the level of service your customers can expect. That’s why ensuring that your digital presence is as...
View Article4 things that will get in the way of your digital strategy
It is now commonly accepted that a digital-first, customer-centric strategy is essential to providing an excellent customer experience. However, in our recent Forrester Report, ‘Leading Digital...
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