The rise of the chief analytics officer
The fact that analytics teams often work in silos means that organisations can’t truly benefit from data-driven insights. In the last 12 months, businesses have increasingly appointed chief analytics...
View ArticleAre your brand values and employee engagement aligned?
For most businesses, the ability to communicate brand values to prospects is key to gaining a competitive edge. Despite this, management often forgets that engaging employees in the company’s mission...
View ArticleYour enterprise - architecture reboot
Digital transformation doesn't come easily. In fact, it's downright tricky. Successfully streamlining and automating the flow of information, processes and customer access points requires a certain...
View ArticleMarketers - the new innovative disruptors in business
As a marketer today, your job is broad, and the expectations are big! You’re a strategist, a specialist, a technologist, a business leader, and you need to have a seat at the proverbial table.Continue...
View ArticleHow to develop your analytics strategy
The ability to use data-driven insights to build customer relationships is among the biggest pay-offs of the digital age. But although most businesses understand the value of data, they can struggle to...
View ArticleUsing data to drive acquisition
Marketers today face the difficult task of trying to capture consumers’ attention while remaining relevant, and delivering personalised content.Continue reading on the Squiz Blog
View ArticleData sharing is caring
In the last few years, the rise of Big Data has created serious strides in building customer intimacy, loyalty, and trust. This has also meant that data sharing – a practice that sees companies share...
View ArticleCTA essentials
Too often, companies issue calls to action (CTAs) that are not well-thought-out, are too much of a leap for the customer, or are simply shameless clickbait. But CTAs can be critical to the customer...
View ArticleWhat does ‘user-friendly’ mean today?
Like ‘surfing the net’ or ‘information superhighway’, the term ‘user-friendly’ seems like it belongs in the past. Although the last five years have seen businesses wise up to the power of user...
View Article3 must-watch TED Talks on marketing
When you visit the TED website, there aren’t as many marketing talks as we’d like to see – something to market for, perhaps? – but there are a handful of good ones that make some pretty good waves....
View ArticleThe pros and cons of being an early adopter – of anything!
From investing in new cloud storage to experimenting with wearable technology, becoming an early adopter is often a shortcut to competitive advantage. But jumping on the bandwagon before your...
View ArticleGleaning insights from structured and unstructured data
It’s no secret that data is key to garnering the kind of insights that can help you build customer relationships that last. But although most businesses understand the role of customer data within an...
View ArticleThe importance of site search in push and pull marketing
In this day and age, customers expect personalised experiences across every touch point and on every device. We’re impatient - that’s nothing new - but what is, is the number of ways in which marketers...
View ArticleTo localise is wise
The opportunity to connect with potential customers who live around the world is among the greatest promises of the online age. Despite this, tailoring your website content so that it addresses a...
View ArticleMarketing automation and the importance of a squeaky clean database
When developing the customer intelligence that’s critical to making good business decisions, data plays a defining role. But although most businesses are well-versed in the power of data as well as the...
View ArticleAd blocking: The bane of marketing campaigns
Few obstacles have posed a threat to savvy marketers quite like Apple’s decision to enable software to block online ads. In September 2015, the tech giant launched iOS 9, a new operating system that...
View ArticleThe benefits of buyer personas
Too often, marketing departments develop buyer personas but don't introduce these critical characters to the rest of their organisation. Here's why everyone in your company needs to know these...
View ArticleProto-personas: buyer personas on a budget
We’ve already established that buyer personas are critical not just to your sales and marketing teams but to your organisation as a whole. However, developing these fictional folks can make for a...
View ArticleThe new physical UX
There’s no question: machines are getting better at understanding us. Through Big Data and very clever clouds, companies and their technology are working out not only what our intentions are, but also...
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